The usual plan was described in the article which was to send over hundreds of U.S. specialists, etc., etc. to train the candidates in country.
I say, if there are police or army personnel to be trained let's bring them here to the U.S. for their training. It is a safer, much more efficient method and we can rotate classes at a faster rate. It would also give these individuals a picture of the U.S. and its people. We would not have to deal with insurgent attacks and many other issues related to training personnel in country.
In addition, for a period of time, it will create jobs in areas once served by U.S. military training facilities that can be reopened and utilized. Good for the Afghans, good for the U.S.
Mr. President, this is change for the better. We should have done it with the Iraqi army, let's do it with the Afghans.
Please sir.
Copyright 2009 WBSeebeck